[Original RPG] Underwater expedition

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Post by Blitzwing »

Depth Charge jumped up as Rampage was heading in his direction. He kicked the Predacon in the back and the added momentum sent Rampage flying into a nearby boulder.

"You're not taking me down that easily X!"

Rampage's words about feeding of his rage went right over Depth Charge's head, as he was now as mad as ever.

As Rampage was recovering from his colision with the boulder, Depth Charge quickly shoulder checked him back into the boulder. The force of the two warriors made the boulder give way and they both lost their balance and fell to the ocean floor.
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Post by StoneCold Skywarp »

Rampage lifted himself up, slowly, the force of being slammed into the boulder confused his systems, he turned round in time for Depth Charge's fist to make contact with his head and send him futher back.

"ow....." muttered Rampage, once again lifting himself up "...fool"

Rampage's fury grew, fuelling his anger and making him stronger.

"I'M GONNA TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB...." he screamed as he charged his foe again. He pinned Depth Charge to the sea bed and pounded his fists into his chest and head area.

"Not this time X" Depth Charge said with confidence as he tipped Rampage over with all the strength he could muster.

Rampage stood up and stalked back to Depth Charge who was attempting to get back up...
"like I said, you are not the hunter, YOU...ARE...THE...HUNTED"

And with those chilling words Rampage pulled out his gattling cannon and pointed it straight at Depth Charge's head...
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Post by Blitzwing »

Cybershark had just managed to get himself out of the debris. He was in shark mode and was following the trail of destruction that was made by Depth Charge and Rampage. He saw Rampage and Depth Charge fighting, and headed strait for them.

When he was close enough, he transformed to robot mode and yelled, "Don't worry Depth Charge, I'm coming to help you."

As soon as he said that he saw Rampage turn his attention to him.

Post by Clairiant »

Blackarachnia sat down on a rock above the water's edge, resting for a moment. "Megatron would be very unhappy if I came back empty handed...." Just then, she laughed again. "I know that stupid cat will bring back with him Prime...That would be a huge catch! I might even be promoted for a catch that big!" Jumping up, Blackarachnia laughed again. "Blackarachnia, Terrorize!" Changing from robot to spider, the black widow wove a web between all the trees around the water's edge. "Those idiots should fly right into them..." Another evil laugh, and the spider watched for her prey....
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Post by StoneCold Skywarp »

Rampage heard Cybershark's cries, he half turned his body with a bemused look on his face, as he manouvered his body he pulled out his laser rifle.
Cybershark couldn't stop himself in time, he swam straight into the rifle...
"such heroic nonsense" screeched Rampage as he pulled the trigger, point blank to Cybershark's head.
The shot teared through Cybershark's head as if it were tinfoil...

"AAAAAAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA" Rampage sickeningly yelled with laughter, losing concentration on Depth Charge...
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Post by Blitzwing »

"Noooooooooo!" yelled Depth Charge.

Depth Charge was angry before, but now he was furious. The water around him seemed to boil as pure hate was all Depth Charge was feeling.

"That was the last time, X! No more will suffer! You will be stoped, no matter the cost."

He jumped on Rampage, who was still savouring the death of Cybershark. He knocked him right off his feet, and the Predacon dropped his weapon in the process. Depth Charge punched Rampage several times in the head and upper body before he got up and drew his tail sword.
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Post by StoneCold Skywarp »

Depth Charge plunged his sword straight throuhg Rampage's chest, close to his should joint.
"now who's feeling fear X" yelled Depth Charge in maniacal tones.
"it appears I lay here defeated maxmial, go on finish the job.....kill me"
"THIS IS FOR CYBRESHARK...." cried Depth Charge as he pulled out his cannon...he paused...he saw what all Rampage's other victim's saw before they met there demise...a sick gloating smile, twisted like the spark that pulsated inside of the creature, the predacon that lay before him...

Depth Charge's thoughts gave Rampage the opportunity he needed, with his free arm he reached for a nearby rock, and with the force of a wrecking ball slammed it into Depth Charge's head knocking him sideways.

The 2 mighty warriors lay there, damaged, neither knowing when the next attack would come or how, but they knew it would, and soon...
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Post by Philcom »

Optimal Optimus sped through the air, all the fury of his Cybertronian air guardian jets blazing behind him. Optimus opened his comm link trying desperatly to reach Depth Charge, "Depth Charge, do you read? What is your situation?" No response. Optimus continued it was only a short distance away. "Hopefully you can hold out, Depth Charge." he whispered.

Post by Clairiant »

Flying after Prime, Cheetor got close enough to hear him try to raise Depthcharge on the comlink. Speeding up some, he got close enough to say, "Shouldn't we watch out for spider webs, Big-bot?"
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Post by Philcom »

"Spider webs? Don't you think they're a little" At that moment Optimal flew into one of Blackarcnia's webs. "Cheetor you should have said CYBER WEBS!" The force of the collision and Primal's speed caused the trees that the web was ancored to snap off. Primal spun out of control. His jet mode turned and turned as the odd weight threw off his gyros. Primal went down, and with a giant splah he landed in the water, sinking down, closer to Rampage and Depth Charge.
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Post by Blitzwing »

Depth Charge was suddenly jolted awake. Someone other than Rampage was near him. He slowly got to his feet and looked around, but Rampage was gone.

"Where are you X? You were never one to hide from a good fight."

Post by Clairiant »

The spider laughed. "One down, one to go!" Just then, Cheetor flew into a nearby net, getting all tangled up. The cat tried to tear the net, but, he was too wrapped up. Seeing Prime hit the water and sink, Cheetor roared in rage, till one of Arachnia's poison-tipped projectiles hit him and paralyzed him. Quickly the black widow hurried over to the web, wrapped the cat up like a present. Grabbing the web, the spider began to drag the cat back to base for Megatron...
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Post by StoneCold Skywarp »

Rampage moved slowly away, grudgingly, one day he would take back the part of his spark that Megatron possessed.
He heard Optimal Optimus hit the water behind him...
should I go back, destroy them both, kill two birds with one stone...b'ah, no, let Megatron try to catch them, hopefully he'll die trying

Rampage continued to move toward the shore where he saw Black Arachnia dragging something along the beach into the forest.

what has that arachnid got now...always plotting, always scheming....

His thoughts were broken by a com message from Megatron.

"Rampage, what are you doing, I ordered your return to Predacon base IMMEDIATELY"

"I'm coming..." snarled Rampage

"I don't care for your tone Rampage, remember who controls you..." with that Megatron squeezed upon the device that housed the 2nd half of Rampage spark.

"I'm following Black Arachinia, Inferno and Quickstrike, Waspinator ... needs to pull himself together"

Rampage cancelled the com link and rolled past Waspinator.

Post by Clairiant »

And of course, the arachnid had a present for Meagtron. The paralyzed cat was no trouble to drag back to base, though Arachnia almost wished it was Prime...But then again, trying to drag something that big would have been a problem...Hurrying along the ground with Cheetor dragged behind her, Blackarachnia made good time for the base. She had already gotten half way there when Rampage moved past her. "Watch it, creep." The spider was not in the mood to lose this prey a second time...
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Post by Philcom »

Primal still couldn't transform, with the cyber-webbing stuck in most of his motor joints. He set his jets to low so they could work underwater. He slowly moved side to side, trying to wash that net off. But he was making an incredable racket. Sea life swum away from him in fear, he wondered if Rampage noticed all of this. Where was Depth Charge or Cybershark? And Cheetor! He was up there without backup. Primal had to get loose, soon.

Post by Clairiant »

Arriving at the base, Blackarchnia dragged the wrapped up Cheetor to Megatron. Having transformed back to her robot form sometime before entering the base, Arachnia hoped that this catch would give her at least some recognition. "Megatron, I brought a prisoner."
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Post by Blitzwing »

Depth Charge was now in Manta Ray mode searching frantically for Rampage. But the Crab was no where to be found. Depth Charge finally gave up and returned to the site of the battle where he found what remained of Cybershark's body. He picked up the caracass and walked underwater until he found Optimal Optimus tangled in a web.

"'Bout time you got here," said Depth Charge.

Post by Clairiant »

Slowly, Cheetor woke up from the paralysis. Seeing his location, the cat started to fight the net. Blackarachnia let him, to show Megatron that she hadn't killed him. Of course, the poison still affected the stupid cat-bot, so he lost evergy quite quickly...
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Post by Philcom »

Primal heard Depth Charge approach and make some sort of comment, Optimus was still in panic, "Cheetor, where's Cheetor? Cybershark! What happened! I need to get out..." With that Primal mustered all of this servos They cracked uder the immence pressure Primal was giving then. Then in one last burst of streanth he transformed.

Most of his parts were stiff and his left leg would not move at all. Many fragments of Cyber-webbing was caught in his gears and joints. He actived his boosters and glided upward toward the surface. He bursted out of the lake and scrambled onto the ground. He sat there for a moment and waited of Depth Charge to follow.
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Post by StoneCold Skywarp »

"Ah, my dear Black Arachinia, you never fail me despite your treachery"

Megatron turned his attention to Cheetor...

"You struggle, yessss, but your struggling will get you no-where fast nooo. Rampage, where are Inferno and Waspinator at, I need them here, NOW. With our new bargaining chip here, the maximals will surely attempt a rescue, we need all out forces here, and they must be prepared for a fight."
Megatron turned to his computer panel..."external defences, online" he muttered and watched as several massive weapons raised from the ground and bleeped into life "scanning for maximal energy signatures" spluterred the computer...

"Ah, excellent, now for strategy, WHERE ARE QUICKSTRIKE, INFERNO AND WASPINATOR, I need them here. Black Arachnia, take Cheetor to the cells."

Megatron turned to Rampage, "you, you had better get repaired, your little waltz with Depth Charge took it's toll, and I need YOU at full-strength."

Rampage headed toward the cr unit.

"yess, the maximals will come to rescue their one, and we will be waiting, in...full...force"