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Apelinq's War Journals
Reviewed by Blackjack

Issue Review

"Rodimus always told me invoking the Covenant of Primus was more trouble than it's worth."
Well, it's a decent, short read which serves more to tie up loose ends and causes more boredom than anything. Rodimus and Apelinq's whereabouts prior to the Wreckers storyline are revealed, but to what end? Apelinq is bland and uninteresting, and the fact that this is told in a relatively low-key internet-based text story instead of easily being wedged into the comic is pretty sad. It is a decent read if you're trying to figure out the whole 3H thing, but again, lobbing Apelinq into the Reaching the Omega Point storyline is just stupid. Basically this is everything that has happened to the secretive Apelinq all behind the scenes, and pretty much falls flat due to Apelinq's lack of character. The journal entries are generic and dull.


Apelinq's War Journals are released on the BotCon website as bonus background material. The timing happens when Megatron returns on the beginning of Beast Machines, and proceeds until Optimus Primal's crew's arrival at the beginning of the series, then back onto Season Two and Three of the Beast Wars, and into the Reaching the Omega Point comic.

Wreck and Rule, is, of course, the Wreckers' trademark warcry in the Marvel UK comics of old.

Apelinq's journals have the date index of AU, which stands for After Unicron. This places the events of Beast Wars some 300+ years after 2005.

The Wreckers insignia, a modified Autobot insignia incorporating a hammer, is featured on every journal entry.

Apelinq leads the Wreckers.

The Peace Marshals mentioned by Apelinq several times in this episode will make an appearance in the Wreckers comic. Well, a single member (Devcon), that is. Depth Charge is also apparently a member.

Rodimus is immune to Megatron's transformation virus due to his unique Matrix-holding physiology.

Polyhex, a location first introduced in the Marvel comics, is mentioned.

Primal Prime, Rodimus and the rets of Primal Prime's crew would follow their story in the first issue of the Wreckers. Primal Prime's story in the past would be in told in Primeval Dawn.

Apelinq claiming his transfer interlink happens during the story 'Visitations'.

Apelinq uses 'More than meets the eye' in the sixteenth journal, as well as 'beast warriors', the fan term used to refer to the Beast Wars' combatants.

The outcome of the battle against Shokaract would be told in the comic 'Reaching the Omega Point'.


Why didn't Optimus Primal's crew detect Primal Prime's crash?

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