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Character Summary
Name: Rewind
Allegiance: Autobot
Rank: 6.0 - Second Lieutenant
Motto: “Too much information is never enough.”
Status: Dead
Body Design: Original
Current Player: None
Former Player: Blaster

Rewind is an archivist with a bottomless yearning for new information. He knows as much as any Autobot, but unfortunately most of his knowledge is of the trivial sort. He would make an excellent quiz show contestant, but his knowledge rarely comes in handy in any practical situation. He's popular among his comrades, though, for his ability to answer pretty much any trivia question without even stopping to think about it.

Character History

Rewind was killed in the second battle with Unicron. His laser core was rebuilt into a new Autobot named Cubby.

See Also

characters/rewind.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/26 21:18 by Warcry