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Character Summary
Name: Ramhorn
Allegiance: Autobot
Rank: 5.0 - Warrant Officer
Motto: “Flee before me or else you'll fall before me.”
Status: Dead
Body Design: Original
Current Player: None
Former Player: Blaster

Ramhorn is an ornery little robot with a nasty temper. He's extremely territorial and reacts badly to being touched. He's extremely powerful despite his small size, and can derail a freight train with a headlong charge in beast mode. Very loyal to those who show him respect, Ramhorn can either be a very good friend or a terrible enemy.

Character History

Ramhorn was killed in the second battle with Unicron. His laser core was rebuilt into a new Autobot named Stripes.

See Also

characters/ramhorn.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/26 21:16 by Warcry