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Transformers Toy Review Archive (older series, 1984 to date)
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Sir Auros' review of: Knockoff Transmetal Rattrap

Name: Rattrap

I've never been very interested in the majority of the Beast Wars era action figures (despite loving the show), but when I saw this knockoff of TM Rattrap at a local Big Lots, I had to buy it. It's not a bad buy for the money and it's higher quality than the KO Lio Convoy or KO TM2 Megatron from the same line of Transformer imposters. The plastic quality isn't as bad as many knockoffs and the places that use metal don't appear to use an ore that disintegrates in the air.

Alternate Mode:
Transmetal Rattrap has two alternate modes. One is a robotic rat and the other is a robotic rat with wheels instead of feet. Both modes are very similar except for the limbs. The rat mode is kind of funky looking with the wheels clearly visible and the vehicle-rat looks weird...well, because it's a rat with wheels. The beast modes really don't have a lot to them and only the ratcar mode has any sort of semi-interesting feature. It doesn't look that bad on display though, so it has that going for it in the alternate modes.

Robot Mode:
Rattrap looks very, very angry. Maybe he's mad because he has little detail, or maybe it's because some company is committing copyright infringement by making him. The most noteworthy thing about this mode is that he comes with an additional scimitar that comes from BW Optimus Primal. Apart from a cruddy paintjob, the figure isn't that bad, but it does have some major issues connecting at the waist. Most of the time, the figure will look like it's been sliced across the stomach since the lower abdomen doesn't connect to the top of the waist very well. In addition to that extra scimitar I mentioned, the figure's tail turns into a weird whip thing. It's kind of neat, but not really. The articulation seems to be on par with other Beast Wars figures, but the design still just doesn't grab me.

Transformation: 7 - Though there are three modes, the two alternate modes don't have very inspired differences and the robot mode isn't hidden very well in beast mode.
Durability: 8 - Better than most knockoffs, but there are some parts that become loose fast.
Fun: 7 - Meh. Liked the cartoon character, but not enough to find this KO fun.
Price: 10 - $5 is a deal even if the toy's completely average.
Summary: 7 - Mediocre for a Transformer mold, but higher quality than most knockoffs.

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